Investment Casting
The highly specialized Investment Casting industry requires unique filtration and metal handling products.
With over 30 years of experience in the manufacturing of high quality refractory products, SELEE® Advanced Ceramics™ division provides the best value in standard and custom designed ceramic shapes for molten metal handling in the investment cast house.
SELEE has the right ceramic filter composition for any metal you may pour in your investment foundry. Custom made for your specific application, our investment casting filters can be supplied in a wide range of sizes and shapes.
The combined expertise of SELEE and SELEE® Advanced Ceramics™offers the knowledge and understanding of metal processing needed to provide the optimal solutions for the unique filtration challenges of this industry.

Announcing SELEE’s newest addition to the SELEE® Lattice Filters™ family—-SELEE MATRIX FILTERS®
Advantages of SELEE Matrix Filters® technology:
Significantly improved structural integrity compared to ceramic foam.
Elimination of hollow struts in reticulate foam structure.
Elimination of loose filter fragments in the shell after auto-claving.